The most important thing that happens when yours users click "Share Now" is the content is posted to all of their social networks.  However, due to recent (3/2018) changes to Twitter's Terms of Service sharing to Twitter involves an extra step.  If you user has connected their twitter account they will see this after clicking "Share Now":

Clicking the "Share to Twitter" button will bring up a new window with the tweet prepopulated:

After the content has been shared to Twitter (or if Twitter is not connected) most SocialToaster campaigns are configured to display the URL of the content inside what we call the Promo Bar page. The Promo Bar page renders the content URL with an overlay at the bottom edge of the page, where a 'Thank You' message can be shown to the user along with buttons to access the campaign site.

The Promo Bar page uses iframes in order to act as an overlay, which some sites do not allow. In that case, the Promo Bar displays as an interstitial redirect, with a countdown letting the user know they are going to be redirected directly to the content.

In some rare cases a link will appear to be allowed in an iframe to our servers, but won't actually work.  In these cases please contact [email protected] and we will be happy to add it to our exceptions list.

If neither of these experiences is desired, the Promo Bar can be disabled. In this case, users will be redirected straight to the content URL after clicking Share Now. Contact your Account Manager or send us an email at [email protected] to make this change.