To create a program administrator, first have the person you would like to make an administrator sign up for your campaign as a user. 

Then, simply go to the Configuration menu, select Program Info, and Program Administrators

At the bottom of the page, click "Add Program Administrator"

Search for your future administrator:

Once you have selected your user, you will be prompted to promote them to an admin.

Can't find your user?  Make sure they have signed up for your program and that they have told you the email they used to sign up. 

Are you adding an admin because you are leaving?  Set up a training session for your replacement, simply contact [email protected].

Managing your SocialToaster Administrator Email Alerts

Now that you've created a new admin it's time to manage the alerts that they receive. Please visit the admin dashboard here: Configuration menu, Select Program Set up, then Select Alerts

Here you can determine what alerts your new admin should receive.

Posting: each time a new post is created in the dashboard they will receive and email alert.

Contest Rules: If a current contest is nearing its end and new rules haven't been set up an alert email will be sent out.

Monthly Statistics: On the first of each month the previously monthly programs stats will be sent via email alert.

Content Sources Daily Summary: If your program has your content sources set up it will generate a daily email to all admins with information about the posts created that day. If you want to learn more about setting up your Content Sources, click here.