Step 1 - Login to your dashboard 

  • Go to to login.

  • There are two places where you can start to create a post, the Create a Post button in the top menu bar, or Get In Touch>Posts>+Create a Post from the left menu bar.  


Step 2 - adding the URL

  • Copy and paste in the link you want users to share, then click Make My Post!

Step 3 - Edit Your Social Copy

  • We will pull up the image if one came from your url.  You will need to crop the image before you can edit the post.  Don’t worry, if you don’t like that image, or you don’t have one, you can add/update it in the next step.  

  • Now it is time to edit your share copy. You can type right into the previews. The copy you are creating here will be shared to your user’s social networks.  Keep in mind your social copy sections will warn you if you’re nearing the character limits, for each social network.

  • Once your social copy is complete, click “Next” at the bottom of the screen to move on to configuring the email.

Step 3 - Edit You Email

  • Be sure to edit your subject and the body of the email that you send.  

  • Test your email by using the “Send a Test Email” feature below your email preview.  You can send it to yourself, create an address book, or send it to a “one time recipient”. Keep in mind that the “Share” button will only link to the URL in a test post. 

  • Click “Next” at the bottom of the screen once you have completed your email subject and body copy update.

Step 4 - Preview & Publish!

  • Preview all of your content one more time and scroll to the bottom to view scheduling options. Schedule your content to be released. You have the following options:

    • Send Now – This will go out immediately

    • Send Later – This will go out at a date and time you’ve selected. You’re able to choose the date, time, and time zone.

    • Save as incomplete - you also have the choice to save this post for later.

    • You’ll want to determine an expiration date. This is the last day the content will be available in the content library/share more block. We highly recommend setting up an expiration date, so you don’t have any outdated posts in your content library.


You did it!  You created a post!  Congrats, we can’t wait for you to see the results.